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Friday, March 30, 2012

Making Progress

It is Friday March 29,2012. Progress is being made by Mr Campo's attempt at blogging. Happy Days are finally returning to Mr Campo's world.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Transfering a Slide Show from photopeach

 After  more than 20 or more attempts at transfering a slide show from photopeach to my blog page without success, I am going to ask an expert. I contacted Mr Nelsen(computer teacher at MHS) and one of his students offered me his help. Finally I am now  able to download a slide show as a gadget. Success on March 29,2012 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Chemistry can be a fun subject to learn.

Dave Campo
Milford Public Schools http://milfordpublicschools.com/

Working on class #2 homework assignment. I am able to log on to photopeach and download a slide show to my documents. However I am not able to add this slide show as a gaget using my Blogger homepage.
Fustration is the word of today. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Why is chemistry an important subject?

Chemistry is important for many facets of science and applied sciences. To build a bridge you need to have knowledge of both the physical properties of different building material as well as their reactivity with other substances. A material my be strong but if  the material dissolves in water, it would be a poor choice for a use in bridge construction.